Indoor 6v6 tournament
Date: September 29 & 30th 2023 (Friday & Saturday) – Cancelled
Location: Bridgewater Sports Complex, 350 Bedford St, Bridgewater, MA 02324
Cost: $400 per team plus a raffle basket with a minimum value of $100.
Registration is closed.
Format: This is an indoor 6v6 tournament (2 of the 3 fields are boarded). Games will be 24 minutes in length and will be played by Bridgewater Sports Complex rules.
Roster: Each team will be allowed to roster 15 players. Rosters do not have to be turned in until the day of the tournament.
Jerseys: Each team must have numbered home and away jerseys. The home team will have the choice of jersey for each game.
Gift Baskets: Each team is asked to donate a “themed” gift basket (valued at $100+) to be raffled off, with the proceeds going to charity. This allows us to keep the entry fees reasonable. An example would be a “movie basket”. Be creative!
How do I register my team?
We are accepting registrations on a first-come, first-serve basis. This form will need to be filled out and submitted along with a Paypal payment to be considered a complete registration. Registration will close for September 2023 event on September 15 (Friday).
Why was my team put on a waiting list?
Due to space and time constraints, there are limits to how many teams we can accept. Once a division is full, we will put you on a waiting list in case a team drops out. If we cannot find a place for your team, this is the one situation where we will return your fees.
Can a player play on more than one team?
Yes but those teams must be in different age divisions. Ex. A player could be rostered on a 40+ team and a 30+ team but could not play on two 30+ teams.
How will you know the age of players?
Players in adult divisions must provide proof of age during registration on the first day of play.
How many games are guaranteed for each team?
Each team is guaranteed 4 games.
If our team has players on two teams, will the games be scheduled at different times?
If you inform us that players are double rostered, we will do our best to schedule them at different times but there is no guarantee this will always work out.
My team is playing in the 40+ but we have a player that is 39. Can she play?
All players on a roster must be the correct age for the division by the time of the tournament. So to play on a 40+ team, you must be 40 by September 30, 2023. This is the only way it can be fair for all teams.
Why should we treat the referees nicely?
Our referees all volunteer their time for this weekend. We could not have a tournament without them. Please be sure your team is polite and respectful of the refs.
When are the raffle winners drawn?
Coed baskets will be pulled during their specific co-ed tournament (either Friday night or Saturday night). The women’s teams baskets will be pulled mid day Saturday. You must be able to pick up your prizes, as we have no secure place to hold them. ID will be required to pick up raffle items.